Project Maiko: Maiko v3 modeling complete

Project Maiko: Maiko v3 modeling complete

Modeling on the third version of Maiko has finished (save for a few details.) The first two versions had various issues that made them tedious to work with for making actual art, such as elements that only looked good from a few angles and limitations on their rigging. I've taken everything I learned from making the first two, and several months more experimentation, to create a final version.

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Root Node Thumbnail Logo

Root Node Thumbnail Logo

A few weeks back I made a logo for a friend's music project, Root Node.

We wanted something simple that would look good as a small thumbnail image. The concept was a more literal node tree than we see in Blender's node editor. My friend gave me a doodled sketch, and I re-created it with Blender and threw in some compositor effects. I recently shared it in the Blender NPR facebook group, and enough people were curious about how it was made that I will share the settings and file.

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Project Maiko: The Shader Group

Project Maiko: The Shader Group

We've covered the basics of what Cycles shaders are doing, how to mix them, and how different lights will affect them. Now we can see it all on an actual model.

The Shader group I used for Maiko is simple. I wanted to follow the manga style of minimal detail, so rather than worry about texturing, I let Cycles provide most of the nuance of the image with nice gradients of light.

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